Alhumdulliah, by the will of Allah SWT, FIANZ in collaboration with its Qurbani 2023 partners – MAA and Fiji Muslim League was able to arrange Qurbani for our Muslim Ummah from within New Zealand, who elected to donate their Qurbani overseas.
FIANZ and MAA have performed Qurbani this year running special campaigns for Orphan & Widow, Rohingya refugees, Yemen and Syria. This was in addition to feeding the people who needed it the most in countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Chad, Palestine, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Malawi, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and Bangladesh.
We are pleased to share few photos of our brothers travelling to these places and ensuring the trust that our Ummah has delegated to FIANZ to carry it out with full responsibility and integrity.
O Allah, the Most High, the Most Generous,
Accept this humble offering, this sacrifice before You,
As an expression of our devotion and gratitude,
In accordance with the traditions of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
We present to You this sacrificial animal,
As a symbol of our submission and surrender,
A reminder of the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S),
And a demonstration of our willingness to give of ourselves.
O Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,
Bless this sacrifice and let it be a means of purification,
A means to alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate,
And a means to strengthen the bonds of love and unity within our community.