
DAWAH : Connecting the World with Allah

3 Day New Muslim Retreat at North Shore Awataha Marae

Masha Allah FIANZ with iERA NZ and our stakeholders organised a 3-Day New Muslim Retreat at North Shore Awataha Marae. We also invited all the Dawah groups around Auckland for a get-together over BBQ dinner. 

Alhamdulillah, what a great turnout. 

In Sha Allah we continue to build pathways to support and strengthen our New Muslim Community. 


May Allah bless us with ease and accept our effort. Aameen.

Mana Islam

Masha Allah another great event of Mana Islam hosted at Porchester Islamic Centre by our Revert Muslim Community. We saw another great turn out and support from the Muslims and as well as Non-Muslims from different ethnicities.
Thanks to FIANZ and iERA NZ and all our sponsoring partners. May Allah accept from all. Alhamdulillah.
What is Mana Islam?
“Mana“Meaning…To Strengthen
“Islam”Meaning…Full submission to the creator of all things which is Allah.
Mana Islam is a space created to share our New and Seasoned Muslim whānau journeys, past to present and to also have an environment that is welcoming for all walks of life.We also have key speakers that speak on important topics and values to do with our ever learning religion (Islam). And as always we have a beautiful Kai to complete the night’s activities.

A Short reminder from Sheikh Hassan Ali

A Short reminder from Sheikh Hassan Ali

Sheikh Hassan Ali Lecture at Masjid Al Rahman

FIANZ iERA Ramadan Library Projects 2023

Iftar Hosted by Revert Muslim

Masha Allah iERA NZ, FIANZ, MyFundAction, Masjid At-Taqwa and Islamic ACT sponsored Iftar Hosted by Revert Muslims in Auckland. This Iftar brought over capacity crowd including many non-Muslims as well.
Thanks to Human Care, MPRA and One Click Studios for their support.


Hosted at Porchester Islamic Centre Alhumdulilah by the grace of Allah another great turnout. We had a talk on preparing for Ramadan and a story of a sister’s journey to Islam. Followed by a feast of tasty BBQ. We thank Allah the All mighty for this event and for those who supported.


Asalam walaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa barakatu.
Another great and inspirational Mana Islam program was conducted and our first South Island Mataura launch with many more to come. InshaAllah ….Also with a special shahada from a brother Daniel…Allahu Akbar!!! May Allah continue to grow this Mana Islam and all Muslims.
Mihi at Mana Islam by brother Abdul Malik.

Fianz Acknowledging Our Reverts  at Masjid At-Taqwa Camp

DAWAH Events

Queenstown Dawah Tour Nov 22

Alhamdulillah our Queenstown Dawah Tour concluded on a very good note. We thank our Creator Allah Subhan wa Ta’ala for utilizing us for His Deen. We thank Islamic ACT, FIANZ, Murihiku Islamic Trust, My Fund Action, Human Care, Mataura Masjid, our volunteers and all those who supported us in this project.
May Allah accept from all of us. Aameen.
Share Islam

Dawah Training in Dunedin

Alhamdulillah! All Praise is to due to Allah. Our iERA NZ team travelled to Dunedin on 18 June 2022 to conduct a 2-day Dawah Training. Many thanks to our volunteers, FIANZ, Otago Muslim Association and Islamic ACT for the incredible support. May Allah accept from all. ” iERA Share Islam”