The Māori name for NZ, Aoetaroa, means 'land of the long white cloud'.
Wellington is the southernmost capital city in the world.
No part of the country is more than 128km (79 miles) from the sea.
The national sport of NZ is rugby union.
New Zealand has three official languages: English, Māori and New Zealand Sign Language.
There are no land snakes, native or introduced, in NZ.
Organised commercial bungee jumping first began in New Zealand.
The lowest denomination in NZ currency is the 10 cent piece.
NZ is home to more species of penguins than any other country.
5% of NZ's population are Māori.
New Zealand is similar in size to the UK, but only has a population of about 4 million (compared to 63 million in the UK).
New Zealand is home to the world's smallest dolphin species.